Shema Power Lake Kivu Ltd
We aim to have Occupational Health & Safety performance we can be proud of, to sustain the confidence of our customer, stakeholders and society at large, to be a good corporate citizen, and to contribute sustainable way to the economic development of Rwanda.
In SPLK we all commit to:
• Pursue the goal of zero harm to all people.
• Provide safe and healthy working conditions in order to prevent work related injury and/or ill health.
• Comply with legal requirements and other obligations adopted by the company.
• Develop energy resources, products and services consistent with this aim.
• Work to prevent and mitigate all negative Occupational Health & Safety risks of our business operations.
• Appropriately report on our Occupational Health & Safety performance.
• Play a leading role in promoting best practice in our industry and region.
• Manage Occupational Health & Safety matters as critical businesses activities, and
• Promote a progressive HSE &SP culture in which all SPLK staff and contractors share this commitment.
• Has a systematic approach to Occupational Health & Safety management designed to ensure compliance with the law and achieve continuous performance improvement.
• Sets targets for improvement and measures, appraises and reports performance.
• Requires contractors and subcontractors to manage Occupational Health & Safety in line with this policy.
• Will use its influence to promote this or an equivalent policy in company related activities which are not under its direct control.
• Engages effectively with stakeholders, and
• Includes Occupational Health & Safety performance in the appraisal and reward system for all staff.
…. we all have a duty
“Each of us working for or on behalf of SPLK has a right and duty to intervene with unsafe acts and conditions
or when activities are not in compliance with this Occupational Health & Safety Commitment and Policy.”

Alexis Kabuto
Chief Executive Officer
PO-SPL-HSE-0002 Rev0 – February 2019